Page updated May 14, 2024 12:51 p.m.
We all love our pets and, were we to lose one, would miss it greatly. Therefore, if you have any information on any of the animals on this site, won't you please do whatever you can to help reunite it with it's owners. You may also contact us at 217.891.0502.
You may search for your lost pet (or POST one you found) by clicking on the link below "PETCO LOVE LOST", a free service provided by the Petco Foundation.
Lost and Found Pets
Have you lost your pet? Take the following steps to locate your animal:
1. Search the Animal Shelters in your area, either online, by phone or in person.
2. Register your lost pet with as many online services as possible.
3. Visit local shelters and check websites every three (3) days to see if your pet has arrived.
4. Post flyers within a mile or more radius of where your pet was lost at vets, stores, schools and churches. Include date and place where lost, type/breed and your phone number. Do NOT list name on flyer!
(Click on link below to download sample flyer)
5. Place a yard sign in front of your house, with a photo of your missing pet and your phone number. People who find a lost pet often will walk or drive around the area, trying to find the pet's owner.
6. Place an ad in the lost and found sections of papers and online bulletin boards.
Did you find your lost pet at the shelter? To Pick Up Your Animal:
1. First, look up the pet's Animal Shelter Number.
2. Provide rabies vaccination history from your vet; your pet cannot be released until history is verified.
3. Provide license status. Pets cannot be released unless the licensing information is up-to-date.